6 Books That Will Change The Way You Do Business

6 Books That Have Changed The Way I Do Business (And Live)

If you didn’t already know by following me on Instagram and Facebook, I love books! I crush books and it has attributed to a lot of my wins and successes in life.

Which is why I want to share with you some books that I have read which have helped me immensely not just in business but also in my life.

1. The Mastermind Marketing System by Jay Abraham

When I picked up this book I didn’t expect much with the name it has. I just thought well I might learn some basic marketing strategies here, plus I had never heard the guys name when I first picked it up so I was intrigued. Little did I know Jay Abraham is an absolute guru in marketing and is one of the elites.

I must say I was blown away with the incredible lessons and content in this book! The lessons just keep coming and coming and coming, it is a book so jam packed with killer info and insights with minimal fluff if ANY! I know right, finally a book that is full of quality without having to cut the fat.

Certainly a book to read if you are in business or going into business. One in which will change the way you operate in many aspects.

2. Money Master The Game by Tony Robbins

I was given this book as a gift and it quickly became one of my new favorites. It is more about creating a great personal financial portfolio than business, though it is something I wanted to include to open your eyes up on how to save money, where to put it, invest and why.

It also talks about how to structure the perfect portfolio for all economic markets whether they are trending upwards, downwards or sideways. A great book to get your personal portfolio set for investing and wise money placement.

3. The Purple Cow by Seth Godin

After my morning surfs and emailing in Mexico I would sit by the pool reading this amazing book by Seth Godin. I had listened to some podcasts way back from Seth Godin and knew he was a man of many marketing qualities. He knows business and is a big time player on the business scene in the states.

I got this book in my hands and decided to browse through it. Though it was another one of those books that was quite different from the mainstream marketing books. Sure the idea’s were basic but they aren’t all ideas that we think of right away and elaborate on further.

The Purple Cow is a great book when you are looking to really make an impact with your business and is a must read for any entrepreneur going into business.

4. The 4 Hour Work Week by Time Ferris

I think I read this book before most of these other books I have recommended which means yes it is quite old. However do no underestimate the quality and relevancy of this book.

Whilst I was reading this book I had already turned to the internet to make money and my goals and desires were to also work minimal hours and travel the world. I picked this book up while I was travel blogging and snowboarding in Japan making a little bit of money from my blog. It was cool to see the opportunities the Internet had in ways you could make money. Though this book by Time Ferris not only really drove the point home for me but also inspired me to go further and deeper down the rabbit whole of building online businesses and making money whilst travelling the world.

It’s safe to say that although I was already on the path, Tim Ferris broadened my horizons for what was possible in online business and inspired many things that I could take action on to change my life in great ways. A book certainly not to be kicked aside if you are looking to learn how to make money and live a better lifestyle.

5. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey

Probably the best all round book for everybody, which is easily one of my favorites. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People has been around forever! Well you know a long time at least…

If you have seen this book or heard of it and not yet picked it up, you have basically delayed your life from thriving. That means for those of you who have never heard of it, get onto this book right away and for those of you who are too cool for personal development, please realize that your self-development radiates through into your success in business too!

I love this book because it is enlightening to learn how to live a great life and even though it is an older book, all of the principles are more than relevant and very transformative.

6. Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

Last but not least is this all time powerful book that hasn’t been on the market long but is changing the way people do business. Russell Brunson is an absolute beast in the online marketing world and if you want your business to thrive Expert Secrets is the book for you. You can actually get a free copy of the expert secrets here, although I am not sure how long this offer lasts for.

It covers mostly how to sell your knowledge although all the principles can be applied to almost any business. This book for me was a game changer and steps out each step that needs to be taken to market an online business or any business with proven methods that work wonders.

There you go 6 Books That Will Change The Way You Do Business (And Live). Though to get the most from these books, before you start reading get a pen and paper out, or download Evernote on your phone and take notes the whole way through each book you read.

It’s true that when you write things down and take notes something special happens in the way you retain that information. I know this personally as I used to read a lot of books without notes, good books that impressed me immensely. However from the books I have taken notes of whilst reading are the books that have impacted my life far greater than the books I didn’t take notes through.

I hope you find some great insights in these books and if you have any of your own books you would like to share that have helped you please be sure to comment them below so we can all benefit.

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