Owning, managing and investing in websites really is an amazing lifestyle. Though when there is work that needs to be done there are some essential tools website investors love to use in order to make life a whole lot simpler.
Tools that makes managing one or many businesses a walk in the park, literally. I’m not kidding, if you’d like you can take a walk in the park and manage you businesses with these tools.
Realistically though these are some great tools you want to ensure you have when owning and managing any type of online business. On top of that, the cool thing is that the online world is constantly updating it’s technology, systems and tools for that matter.
Where there is now a crazy amount of tools available, which is great. But also makes it tougher to know exactly which of these tools are going to be worth our time and some of them worth our money. This is why I would like to share with you these 7 Tools Website Investors Love for managing their businesses.
This tool is an extension for Gmail and I love it! I first heard about this tool via Tim Ferris on his ever so popular podcast “The Tim Ferris Show”. Why this is one of those tools website investors love is because it helps you manage your email more easily.
It is basic but it’s features are spot on, where it allows you to set reminders to follow up on emails, my favorite is that you can schedule emails to be sent later. But the coolest feature is you can add an artificial intelligence assistant which can help you to write better emails for productivity.
Yes it’s free too. Be sure to get it here.
I was first introduced to Slack when I bought my second ever website as it came along with the business. Little did I know it was quite vital as all the employees were connected via Slack where we could all communicate regularly, which is super important for business.
Slack is one of those tools website investors love because it allows you to ‘be less busy’ by connecting with your virtual assistants, sharing documents, emails and everything through the one messenger service. It is an app you can connect to your computer and your smart phone to stay in touch whenever and wherever.
Since I travel a lot, or even when I am back at home in Australia but away from my computer. I can easily stay in contact with the team and help with important issues right away rather than sending emails backwards and forwards and not getting anywhere fast.
This is another free tool that you should look into to help manage your businesses to stay in touch with all employees.
If you haven’t heard of Skype you have quite clearly been hiding under a rock. Skype has been around for, well, over a decade now. It is the best and most common way to contact people online. You can do so via regular chat or face-to-face chat, you too can also screen-share and use many of its other features.
You also have the option to buy Skype credit and contact mobile phones or landlines which I like to do when I am travelling. It is generally far cheaper and easier than having to get a sim-card for each country, and especially cheaper than the excessive global roaming charges most telecommunication service providers charge.
I must admit Skype would have to be one of those tools website investors love probably most as it is such a common way to connect with sellers, brokers and people internationally for meetings. If you don’t have it, setting yourself up an account today is a wise investment. It’s free and you can add the app to your computer and smart phone to stay connected anywhere with a wifi connection.
Google Analytics
Surprisingly, this tool is not quite as old as Skype however it is one of those tools website investors love for it’s ability to provide amazing metrics and statistics about how we a website is performing.
Using Google Analytics is a crucial tool used when conducting website due diligence. Which is why it is one of those tools website investors love! But not only is it great to use before investing in a website, though during owning a website where you can help to understand what marketing is working for your website.
Google Analytics is something anyone with a Gmail account can get and is a necessity for ALL website investors!
Google Keyword Planner
The most important thing about building content for your online business is making sure it is seen and helps you website to rank better in the search engines. Which is why having keywords is absolutely, well, key!
This free tool has been around for quite a while just like the last two awesome tools. However this is still one of those essential tools website investors love as it helps you to find keywords in order to rank your content higher on the search engines.
You will need to create an Adwords Account to use this feature, although this can be done totally free also. There are other great tools within this Keyword Planner tool and inside the Adwords Account that can too benefit the success of your website investment/s.
Just as important as having great keywords, as a website owner you want to ensure you have killer articles. Which is where this amazing tool comes in handy, helping you to find what is trending in your websites niche online.
Buzzo Sumo helps you to find the best ranked and read articles online. You can use this information to understand what people want to read about in order to allow you to brainstorm up more amazing articles for your audience.
It gives you audience insights from content that has been shared from a few days ago up until the most popular articles written in years! This tool is free for a few searches and the paid version opens you up to many more tools within this tool.
Stickies / NotePad
This is a tool that will probably be the most valuable thing on your computer for your business and is the easiest tool to access. In fact, it is perhaps the most influential of the tools website investors love. Reason being, is that it by using it correctly, writing down notes, and creating to do lists for what needs to be done as daily tasks. Helps you to become far more productive than ever.
I find the most used tool on my computer is the stickie notes I have pasted to the side of my desktop with a daily to do list. This is my manager, my organizer and what keeps me productive day in day out.
By utilizing your stickies or note pad available on your computer to organize yourself with daily tasks and taking notes throughout the day you will find that after a week to a month of using this tool. It will be one of the biggest assets to your business, consisting a bucket load of information you want to have at your finger tips each day.
As a website investor or online business owner, what are you favorite tools you like to use in order to make your life easier? Please feel free to comment below where we can all benefit in sharing our tools, suggestions and why they work well for each of us.