Ep 210: Why SEO Is Secondary To Good Copy When Blogging with Faith Hanan

Many wouldn’t agree that SEO is secondary to good copy. I wouldn’t blame them. Business owners presume that SEO should be first but if you think about it, they create content for their audience and not for Google. 

In this valuable episode, my special guest Faith Hanan shared her views about SEO and copywriting so that you can make your content authentic, relevant, and interesting for your audience.

Faith is a Jesus lover, wife, barrel racer, worship leader, accidental SEO expert, copywriter, podcaster, and wrangler of tiny humans. 

She podcasts over at Simple SEO & Marketing, where she shares shoot-ya-straight, VERY practical tips on how to SCALE your online business using SEO, keywords, and blogging. 

We discussed common SEO mistakes people make. What are Faith’s top 2 SEO tips that most site owners should need to know? Why Google hates AI content and so do humans?

We also deep dive into the strategies of writing good copy for blog posts. Why stories are good, but how should they be used and optimized? Finally, Faith shared things that you should include in your blog post so your business can make more money.

Is your site not producing the results that you want in terms of growth? Check out this episode and pick up incredible tips that you can apply to your business!

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Episode Highlights

02:11 Faith’s thoughts about buying online businesses

04:14 Why you should never ignore the above-the-fold copy!

10:34 Is an AI content creation tool just producing generic content?

14:18 SEO mistakes that can hurt your blog site

18:34 Copywriting tips that make people want to read your content and rank well

22:21 If you believe in the product or service that you offer – Don’t be Afraid to SELL!

27:22 How to sprinkle your valuable content across social media?

30:37 About Faith’s Course – The Organic Marketing Framework

32:37 Where you can find Faith?

Courses & Training

Courses & Training

Key Takeaways

➥ Faith did tried using an AI content writing tool because of her client’s suggestion. However, she found that it would create generic content that wouldn’t connect with people. Faith’s clients appreciate her writing because it includes personal stories and silly things that she’d done, which a computer couldn’t replicate.

➥ Faith mentioned that many people fear selling because they don’t want to come across as a dishonest salesperson who convinces people to buy products or services that don’t work. This fear is ingrained in our culture because of bad experiences. However, when you believe in the product or service that you offer and know that it can genuinely help others, it’s a disservice not to confidently sell.

➥ Faith believe in creating one long-form piece of content such as a podcast or a blog and repurposing it across different social media platforms. By repurposing content, you can maximize the value you’ve already created and ensure that more people see it because only a small percentage of your following will actually see your content. 


Faith Hanan

About The Guest

Faith Hanan is a Jesus lover, wife, barrel racer, worship leader, accidental SEO expert, copywriter, podcaster, and wrangler of tiny humans. 

She podcasts over at Simple SEO & Marketing, where she shares shoot-ya-straight, VERY practical tips on how to SCALE your online business using SEO, Keywords, and blogging.

Connect with Faith Hanan


Jaryd Krause (0:00)

Imagine writing such good copy and articles that you don't need SEO to rank. Hi, I'm Jaryd Krause, host of the Buying Online Businesses podcast. And today I'm speaking with Faith Hanan, who is a Jesus lover, wife, barrel racer, worship leader, accidental SEO expert, copywriter, podcaster, and wrangler of tiny humans. She podcasts over at Simple SEO and Marketing, where she podcast episode, faith and I talked about some common SEO mistakes that people make, then she shared some of the top SEO tips that most site owners need to know, and we also opened up the discussion around why Google hates AI driven content and why humans do as well.

And what's going to happen with this AI content on Google? And what happens if Google starts to rank AI content? Will it be its demise or not? So, it's an interesting discussion that we have based on humans. First, we will talk about how to write good copy for your blog post and why stories are good to use, but also how they should be used. And there's a double-edged sword here with stories, how they should be used, and how they should be optimized to actually add value. I have some examples. And then also, faith has some examples there as well. We'll just talk about what you should include in your blog post so your business can actually make more money.

In this episode, I also talk about my email list and how people absolutely love my stories. and being on my email list. I personally treat my email list like social media; there are so many fun stories about sharks and surfing, as well as all the life lessons and philosophical things that I think about in business and outside of business and how they relate to business. There's a lot of value. So, if you guys want to get on that email list, go to the site and opt into one of the free resources; you'll get some value there, but you'll get a lot of value from being on the email list. So, check that out. Now enjoy the podcast episode. Faith, welcome to the Buying Online Businesses podcast.

Faith Hanan (2:15)

Thanks so much for having me, Jared, I appreciate it so much.

Jaryd Krause (2:18)

So let's just dive straight in. You've said you've checked out a bit of my content, not too much, because you've been so busy with something we're going to be talking about shortly, which is exciting. I asked you off air Have you ever bought or sold a website or been a part of a transaction before? But now that you've said it to me, you didn't realize it was a thing you could buy and sell sites? What are you doing now that you've, like, seen this as a new world? Like what do you? What's your take on it?

Faith Hanan (2:39)

I just think it's so cool that somebody kept it. First of all, I think online business is amazing, right? Like, how cool is it that I can be sitting in my little office in Oklahoma doing something that is going to bless somebody in Australia or, you know, that we can even have this conversation? I mean, I know it's dating myself a little bit, but like, I remember life before the internet was part of my everyday life.

So even the fact that you can have an online business is still amazing to me. And then the fact that you could, like, buy an online business, it's already there; take that and scale it. It's just mind boggling to me. But I also am like, "I have no idea how to do that." because I've just always been a builder. I'm a starter, so I'll start this stuff.

Jaryd Krause (3:23)

Which is which? Because we need more people that are good at starting, like you, a lot of people start sites to sell them, they just try and get a lot of articles and ranks, you know, on a blog, and they don't really put in good SEO structure and frameworks and, you know, site structure and stuff like that. And we're always looking for better sites to buy it from than things that have a lot of work that needs to be done to them. But you're right, I'm grateful every day that we can, like, work from home and still make a massive contribution to the country.

It's quite a blessing. Really. So, I think that most people are going to listen to this. They've either bought a site or they're about to buy one. And they're going to be thinking about, like, What can I do to optimize this site as quickly as possible thats like some sort of low hanging fruit?

I know it's site dependent, but what are your sort of five things, or five SEO go twos, that people can fix on their blogs, when they come to you and say, Hey, you know, faith, I'm looking to ramp this thing up and get more traffic? What are the most common things that you give them, like things that they can do that a low hanging fruit could do in a short period of time?

Faith Hanan (4:34)

For sure. So, you know, honestly, the first thing is not even an SEO thing, because in my brain, like, you can have all the people in the whole wide world come to your website, but if they hate it when they get there, of course I'm clear when they get there, like it doesn't make any difference. The number one thing that I always tell people—I just coached a client on this today—is to improve the above the fold copy, because we have less than five seconds to catch somebody's attention and let them know if we can help them with their number one problem, you know?

And are we clear? And sometimes I feel like, because we're in the industry and we, you know, know what we're doing. We know the things, we know what people need, and we know what we think people need, right? We're way up here. And they're like down here, like, just get me this quick win. Sometimes we get a little bit highfalutin in our language, and use fluffy, fluffy language and are above the fold, like, change your life and make it feel better, like no, like, help me lose 10 pounds, like whatever that thing is that you do.

And so, I really feel like if you can do nothing else, but improve the above full copy, and be abundantly clear, straight, and to the point, then you're going to get people's attention, because they're going to know right away whether you can fix their problem or not. Because if people come to your website, they need to know if you're for them or not. So that's the very first thing that I think somebody should do. And—then the second thing is that I'm going to get into SEO stuff, which is to put keywords—the right keywords and your h1 text on each page of your site. Because there are so many sites that I go to and so many client sites, I look at the headings map, and I'm like, There's nothing anywhere, like Google has no idea what's going on here.

Because it's like, there are keywords; you just have a picture of yourself and say, Have a nice life. Like, that's all they do when they're scanning these websites. And so, you know, just including the right keywords, and the right keyword sizes for your business in h1 tags on every page is going to be phenomenal for your SEO tips and proving that yeah, so those are the top two, I've got more, but you look like you have a question?

Jaryd Krause (6:40)

I do. I love how intuitive you are about taking up on this, I want to break down those two things that have to be done rigorously, but when you say above the fold text, you're talking, am I clear. And on this that you're talking about on the homepage above the fold text, it's not just, and when you mean straight to the point, when you say not to use fluffy language, you do mean work out what your audience actually wants, and just have that as your tagline or your quote, or what your site's about above the fold is that.

Faith Hanan (7:15)

And honestly, I coach clients to really focus on the above the fold text on every main page on their site, like their services page or their about page, and all of that, but just pardon? category pages come on, maybe it just depends on how much time they have, you know, and how much effort they put in, but when I say, you know, so if you read Donald Miller's book Building a Story Brand, you know what I mean. No, I haven’t. My gosh.

Jaryd Krause (7:38)

So, I don't know a lot about stories.

Faith Hanan (7:42)

It's one of my favorite books ever. As far as business books go, I mean, he just goes into so much more of the science behind the above the fold text and how he calls it the caveman test. Like the above the fold text on your page needs to pass the caveman tests, it's just stupidly simple. Some of the best above the fold phrasing that I've worked with clients on is like we get to, I mean, it's what I spent the most time with on copywriting clients, but it's like you, I probably would have had to come up with 20 iterations of that above the fold phrase to really feel like it's something that hits home and speaks abundantly clear. But when you really nail it, it's going to be something that you're like, This is so stupid, so simple. Like, those are the best because it doesn't take brain power for somebody to understand.

Jaryd Krause (8:33)

Do you ever have your clients do a quiz or collect data from their audience to ask them what their goal is, what they want, and what they don't want, and then get a few key words that are prominent in most people's answers, and then use like two to three or four of those in the above the fold text? This is what I've done. This is what we do, like, what if this is a copywriting thing, right? It's like, get people to fill out a form or do a quiz, and they can get a prize, or you can give them free training or something like that for filling it out.

And then you figure out what they actually want. And then you can share things with them and adapt your products and services to give them exactly what they want and need as well. Is that a thing that you feel is a good thing for people to do when they're first starting out? Or is it just too much to handle at the start?

Faith Hanan (9:28)

I mean, it all depends on the person, right? And their bandwidth, you know, because some people are overwhelmed by, you know, too many different colors. And other people are like, Let me jump in full force, go bigger, go home. Obviously, market research is something that is just, you know, priceless for growing a business. But I also like to distinguish between verbiage keywords and typed keywords because sometimes the words that are coming out of people's mouths that they will identify with are really going to tug at their heartstrings for that purchase.

They're very different from the keywords that they're typing in, which are going to influence our SEO strategy. You know, but you know that, as business owners, we have to integrate, you know, both the SEO aspect of things and the fact that we're dealing with human beings. And we're serving human beings. So, we need to create content that's human focused, like people focus first, and then optimize for SEO. So I actually have two categories of keywords in my brain for my business and ones for my clients.

Jaryd Krause (10:26)

A lot. You've just opened a can of worms with optimizing content for humans first versus SEO? Have you seen much about what's happening with the AIs different content creation tools? And, you know, the GPT sort of stuff? Do you?

Faith Hanan (10:43)

just kind of on the backburner? But so, I like writing; I enjoy writing. So, for me to just like, think about outsourcing that to a computer and be like, That's dumb, I did play around with it a tiny bit. And Uber Suggest because they have a new AI content writing tool, and I had a client that was asking about it. And she's like, "Is this any good?" So, I just played around with it. I'm like, Man, but to me, like that's going to create really generic content.

And that's not going to connect with people, right? Like people connect with people. And like the clients that I've had, they're like, we love you. Because you talk about dogs and pooping, like the stupid things that you did. And I'm like, no computer is going to write that for me. You know?

Jaryd Krause (11:24)

It's more humanized and personalized, and more. This is a part when you talk about story branding, as you can weave that into, you know, your weave your story into the value, not just an AI going, these are the things that you need to know to build this, you know, or to do this or because we get or the reason I ask this is because we get a lot of in our community paid membership, people asking like, oh, what's going to happen in like, a couple of years when everything says AI content, and Google is going to rank that and my take is that Google wants users to be happy.

And that's what they optimize their algorithm for is for human beings, not for SEO, not the other way around. I think too many people get caught up in the technical thing of SEO and like, oh, it needs to have this, this, this and this and this and all of that science weeds out the art form or the and the beauty that humans actually want. But we don't realize we want it; we just want to read something great. If people on Google are only going to get AI contents, and it's just pretty bland, and there's no human humaneness to it, then Google's going to have less people searching, which Google's has less ad revenue, and less of their business goes down the drain.

So, that's the thing that I like to speak to is that a lot of people may be worried about all these, you know, things are going to take over. But if Google optimizes for humans, and what they actually do, that only exists because humans exist and have things to type in and search.

And humans go, Well, this AI content sucks. And some human eyes, we're not going to search it any more than Google has no business. So, they're not going to rank the AI content, as well as the human content.

Faith Hanan (13:06)

Well, and like, you know, we might see the pendulum swing the other way for like a month, you know, if there if there was a way to track like ai content gets seen versus human content, like globally, like, maybe we see the pendulum swing the other way for a month. And then people will stop clicking on those websites with AI content. Because I mean, I know I've clicked on some that I like, not maybe AI content, but content that was written clearly just for SEO, and then click it and you're like, this is not even answering my question.

This was the biggest waste of five minutes of my life. And I never go back to that website again. Versus I would rather create content and have my clients create content that ranks seventh, or eighth or 10th, but somebody's going to come back to it again. And again. And again. Because you answered the question and you served the person on the other side of that screen.

Jaryd Krause (13:55)

A lot will push that back away, because we've already opened that up. And I think we're pretty clear on that. I'm glad you're on the same page, Google. Google is going to help optimize for us humans, so it's not going to wait us out, which is the cool thing, because business would be so damn boring. And the internet will be so damn boring. Could you imagine how boring would they?

So, above the fold, and then you got keywords in the H ones? What are some SEO dumb SEO Mistakes People Make that you see? They come to you with their blog, and they're like, cool, I've done all of these things. Isn't this great? Are you sort of like oh, no, like that's a bit of a mistake. We need to fix this or clear this up. What are some of the common ones that you see that people may have?

Faith Hanan (14:36)

almost have? I know because I made them.

But really, so like, I see a lot of clients slash it to this as well, like you write, you write content based on what you want and what you think people are searching and use verbiage that you think is working when in reality nobody phrases it like that, except maybe you and your mama because she taught Do you have to talk? You know, or, like I see a lot of people make, make the mistake of not using their age to text strategically in their blogs.

So, they've got a great title. But that's the only place that that keyword is in that carries any weight, you know. And so, I mean, I just remember thinking I've written all this stuff, why isn't it ranking and like, oh, well, because you're not using keywords strategically, you know, or they'll write blogs, but they're just writing blogs to blog and not actually creating content that people are searching, which, you know, I'm a writer, I get that I like to journal I like to write for fun. I mean, it's cool. But nobody's searching my journal entries, you know, they're searching for things that solve their problems.

Jaryd Krause (15:41)

And I feel the h2 is just for people listening. h1 is your, you know, your main title, then you have your h2, which you like, kind of, you could call them your sub titles, but on each and you have different ones for each, I would say paragraph or a couple of paragraphs. But the cool thing about the h2 is, it's the opportunity to add your keywords in, which makes it easier for Google to find keywords on the page. But also, it breaks up the content and allows people to see the bits easier to read rather than just like a big text.

It's like, I mean, the Bible is great. But it's, it's hard to read, like, it's not the most user-friendly thing. And then you've got, you've got if you had subheadings and stuff, you'd be like, okay, this is cool, I know what this bit about. And then you can go through the copy a lot quicker, do you find that those H twos actually help people too, and I want to get onto copy, because copy is a big part of what you do, helps people to write better copy, if they have, they start with H TOS first.

Faith Hanan (16:37)

You know, I didn't start with HTOS first I So here's my process. And it's a little bit backwards, from probably what I should be. Because I like to create based more on inspiration than actual research first, so I'll create based on inspiration, and connection points and for the person.

And then I'll go back and I'll optimize for SEO. So, like all have this idea, you know, I've got this content or you know, my client has a content idea, we'll create the content, and then we'll go back and we'll optimize those h2 and really create an optimized title. using keywords in those h2, you know, subheadings. And, for me, it was really hard to kind of get over the whole breaking text up because I have a minor in English, like I'm used to the, you know, formatted, all my T's dotted and eyes crossed. And, you know, somebody cares about my typos and my spelling errors, you know, getting knocked down for that. Not that it made me do any better. But I did try, you know, and so to like, make that mental shift from like, oh, like people, skim blogs, they don't read every word. And so, if you make it hard to get the main points like they're gone, they're gone.

Jaryd Krause (17:53)

you got to realize that people, when they pick up a book, they're prepared mentally to read the book for how it is, verses when you're on the internet, you're either wasting time or being super productive. Most of the wasting time is on the social apps, right? being super productive is like I need an answer yesterday for how do I fix this? Or how do I do this in my life? Rather than like I'm just going to sit down and write you know, have a cup of tea and read a blog post. I'm not sure too many, like, too many people do that. I know for myself. It's not me.

Faith Hanan (18:28)

I'm sitting down reading a cup of tea. It's a book. It's a real book.

Jaryd Krause (18:31)

Yes. physical book. So that brings us back into the question of how do people write better copy for their blog posts. So, they're actually the content doesn't just rank but people read it. I know that you said you've got to have it broken up. But what are some of your copy tips?

Faith Hanan (18:49)

So one of one of my main things is if you're not if you don't watch American westerns, you may not use this term, but it's just to get to the rat killin like, just get to the rat kill and like quit beating around the bush, like, get to the point like everybody loves, you know, finding recipes online, but I hate reading somebody's life story about what their cat ate that day and their favorite outfit before they give me the recipe. Like give the people what they came for. Yoast is a great plugin on WordPress. I'm sure you're familiar with it.

But Yoast literally gives you the green light if you have 300 words or more like you don't have to write a blog that is 5000 words long to rank you really don't like this. Yeah, for a recipe like just how many cups of flour do I need? Do I have enough to make these cookies at 11pm? Like, just tell me you know and so people like to get to the point. Be clear, right like yourself because again, if we wanted AI generated content, we would go read AI generated content like use your voice right like yourself. Use things like use free tools like Grammarly to spell check edit with fresh eyes. I'm Tara. I'm a terrible editor. So, I have to pay somebody to edit my client work for me. Because I'm like, Yeah, I'm like, I don't pay somebody to edit mine. It's like it is what it is, but I pay somebody in the client to work so and with fresh eyes use Grammarly, you know, get to the point.

And then don't be afraid to tell people what you told them again, in a new way, because we're all inundated with so much information. You know, we have more content coming at us than ever before in human existence. And so, we need to hear something more than once to retain it. So, it's okay, if you have to reiterate a point or shore up a point. And remember, people are skimming your blog anyway, they're probably not reading word for word.

Jaryd Krause (20:38)

Yeah. And that the more fluff you have, the more they're going to skim and miss when you finally get to the point in like, a hidden way in one of the paragraphs was like halfway through the page. And like, alright, this is a great waste of time, like, Thanks for wasting my time.

Faith Hanan (20:54)

like, stories are still good, like use stories. But keep the user in mind, the reader in mind for everything that you communicate, whether it's your homepage copy, like, how are you solving their problem? Or whether it's a blog post about your cat? Like, how does this affect this person? And have a servant's heart about it? Really?

Jaryd Krause (21:16)

And I use stories in my emails, and a lot of people that are on my email list majority of right back and like, Damn, that was a good story. Damn, your emails are really good. Like, we get a lot of replies. And it's because the stories are super short, super condensed. And I start the story in the middle of the action. when shit hits the fan, and like, you know, the cats like just about to just, it's like, he's got the bird in his mouth already, you know?

Yeah. And people, it just grabs attention. And then it loops straight into a learning or value. And I just think if people learn how to write stories, loop it straight into value, and then another slide, add a story. And the story can keep going, you could have a 5000-word story, and have like, 30 good points of value that really drive the point home, that people fully enjoy that piece of content, because it's a 5000-word story, but they're learning so much. And they're engaged. And it's entertainment. Good luck, AI, like, how do I compete with this?

Faith Hanan (22:18)

Right. I love that.

Jaryd Krause (22:21)

So, what would be your second biggest copy? Tip?

Faith Hanan (22:25)

Are we talking like, do you want to talk about, you know, copy as far as like, SEO friendly copy? Or because of the speaking to people copy?

Jaryd Krause (22:34)

Speaking people copy?

Faith Hanan (22:37)

Be clear, just be clear. Like, I don't even know how many times I tell people to be clear. But just be clear. And don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to sell. Don't be afraid to sell.

Jaryd Krause (22:50)

And so, for people that let's expand on that. What do you mean by don't be afraid to sell?

Faith Hanan (22:56)

Well, I think a lot of people have the fear of sounding like a used car salesman, where you're trying to push somebody to buy something that's not actually a good product, and they're going to hate it, and then they're going to hate you. Like, we have this fear of selling. And it's kind of ingrained in our culture. Because, you know, we just felt like we get sold too all the time.

From those late-night infomercials, selling us, those things that don't work to the used car salesman that is trying to push the pedal is a lemon car that's going to break down in five miles. But in reality, when you truly believe in the product that you have, or the service that you offer, I think that you are doing a disservice to not confidently sell. Because I believe in what I do, I believe in the people that I do it for. And so, if I, if I shy back from selling, I am doing them a disservice and not helping them with the gift that God has given me to serve others with.

Jaryd Krause (23:53)

Yes, that is so good. I got a story to really back that up and emphasize that I used to be a part of a business group. And they used to post people's results in this Facebook group. And there were a lot of people in Australia. And I had like, I just got I just did really well at the start of my journey. And I got a lot of comments and feedback on the success I had in a few months. And then people were reaching out to me and saying, hey, Jared, like and we're doing phone sales and stuff like that. People were saying how I've got all of these leads, I just don't feel like calling them what keeps you motivated.

And I would just do you know, a bit of a public service and get on the phone people and you know, kick them in the butt really, and say, Look, people have reached out and said, Please help me here's my phone number and email, contact me so you can help me and here you are thinking I don't know if they want to hear from me. You're doing them a massive disservice. They're literally saying Help me, help me help me.

Here's my number, call me and you're not going to call the leads. But if you translate that into your blog, People are on your blog to learn something and get value. And they're like, I have to solve a problem. And deep down the lake Help me, help me help me. And if you don't do that selling in your blog, they're going to run off and buy somebody else's product that sucks. And they're going to look around and come back to the journey and be like, damn, I wish I would have bought your thing sooner if you had just sold it to me. Right?

Faith Hanan (25:21)

Right, right. And, you know, you've got to get people multiple places to buy, and you need to make buying easy, which, as a service provider, like when I do coach, and you know, copy work, like, just the back end of that is sometimes a little bit clunkier than like, press a button, send me the thing, you know, like Amazon. And so, you know, some of that with the service provider, like, you have to work through whatever software you're using to try to make that easy.

But like, what's that quote, like people hate being sold to, but they love to buy, you know, and it's like, just make it easy. Like, I shouldn't have to click around and 900 different places on your website to figure out how to give you my dollars. Like make it easy, make it clear, make it you know, buy now buttons, like sprinkled throughout, don't be afraid to talk about the benefits of purchasing.

Jaryd Krause (26:08)

Is such a really good thing people hate being sold to, but they love to buy it and you're saying make it easy to buy, maybe to add to that is like make it less salesy. Like just like you said, get to the rat killing get to the point is like by the way, this is what this is the product that like hundreds of people have used, and it's helped them with this, if you want to get it rather than like here's a landing page with 20,000 words of like, if your back feels like it's going to break every time you stand up.

Faith Hanan (26:40)

And I think you know, if you've, so I love podcasting, and I love blogging, because it allows you to bring such, it allows you to bring value in a free way that people know, okay, like, this chick helped me with 900 things for free, you know, and then if you're just blogging, like, this person has helped me with all of these things for free, like, gosh, their paid products are going to be so good. And so, if you just have that, like in the back of your content creation process, like what value am I bringing for free, and everything you create should bring value, whether it's, you know, making somebody laugh on Instagram, or you know, an email that has a stories about cats and tips about how to grow your business, you know.

Jaryd Krause (27:22)

a lot. Talking about social media. I want to talk about the selling products and what you've got coming out shortly. Talking about social media, people that are bloggers, how do you advise them to share their content or repurpose some of the content for social media? And like, what sort of schedule do you take? Like, how does that work?

Faith Hanan (27:41)

So it's funny that you asked about a schedule, Derek, because let me tell you how many craps I give about social media right now. Zero. You know, that's just me. I'm just in a place where I'm like, I have two kids. I'm working my little tush off like you are doing you. Yeah. And so like, when I care about social media, like it's super easy, but when I don't care, I just don't care.

But really, I'm a big fan of creating one piece of long form content, whether that is a podcast or a blog, or YouTube video, and then taking that and then making sure you're blogging with it as well. Because why not? And then repurposing the heck out of that in your social media, because like your introduction that you just spent all this time crafting, there's not only a caption for a post, but that's also an entire video. That is a Pinterest pin.

That's an idea pin, like, you can take that one introduction and get five posts out of it. How much more can you take point one point 2.3 point 4.5 from your blog, and repurpose them across multiple platforms where you've already done the hard work to know that you've created value.

And now you're just sprinkling it out there for people to find because really only 6% of your social media following is even seeing your content anyway. And nobody but your mom remembers what you posted yesterday.

Jaryd Krause (29:02)

Exactly, exactly. And that's because the algorithms are pretty ferocious on putting paid content ahead of free content on social platforms. So, it's still a thing that I the What the What I like about socials is it helps you it's an image thing that a brand can have that like, okay, you're on here and you got X number of followers, oh, this is like a perceived authority, which is like anybody can just build that authority. But it helps sort of emphasize and build the brand. So, it's kind of like it's worth having for us like I hate like, I really dislike social media, to a point that I don't open social media apps and go through walls because it's damaging to mental health in the short term and long term.

And I'm all about mental health. And so, I have the team. We are still on social media, but I have the team put those to repurpose those pieces of content so if You guys are of the same faith and it's like you can have somebody do this for you too.

Faith Hanan (30:04)

You know, I'm on social media. So, I'm like, it doesn't bother me. But like, my audience is not like my ideal client is not my social media following. So, like, what I get response to on social media is like not business stuff. It is just strictly like, hey, look at the holes in my socks, because I refuse to go by any holes. Like it's just stupid crap. That is just like, human to human stuff. That is fun, because I make friends. But it's not it's not a huge lead generator for my business, which is fine.

Jaryd Krause (30:35)

Yeah, different audience. You're not making sales from social media. Tell me about what you've got coming up? Well, it's by the time these airs it's going to be live. But tell me about your course. I'm excited.

Faith Hanan (30:49)

I'm excited to tell you about it. So, I've got a course that is launching January 5. And it's called the organic marketing framework. And I'm taking blogging, SEO and keywords and just breaking them down.

And helping you lay a framework to generate leads organically, using SEO and keywords and blogging. I'm taking my copywriting knowledge as a copywriter. My knowledge is an SEO consultant and I am packaging that in a way that you can go through your business in four weeks, if you choose to go that quickly. And really build a sustainable framework for your business, optimize the backend of your website, learn how to blog the right way, and then learn how to repurpose on Pinterest, stress free social media, and then how to track all of that and really create sustainable workflows.

Jaryd Krause (31:39)

Love it. And people, people can have their team go through this with them as well.

Faith Hanan (31:44)

Because you know, some of us are like, some of us, I say, US, I don't have much of a team yet. But you know, if you're, if you're more of a visionary for your company, and you have somebody that's more on the integrator side, or VA is like, they need to know this, like, you probably need to know it too, so that you can cast the vision, what good would it be if I'm like, No, you can't have your VA go through this when they're the one that they're going to be doing it?

Jaryd Krause (32:08)

I think you're spot on. Every visionary and leader should understand what the team is doing, or their VA is doing. So, they're just not taking the Mickey, you know, and at least unless, you know, they're going to learn SEO and blogging practices in your course. It's great to understand that.

So even if you are using a Content Agency, you can say "I like that practice. I don't like this practice. That's why it 's worth doing what's not doing? Yeah, faith, that's awesome. I'm excited for you. I hope it just crushes it. If people are interested, where can they check out that and more about what you're doing?

Faith Hanan (32:43)

So I'll give Jared my links, but my website, faith hannon.com. I'll have all the courses, coaching and copywriting links there. And then my podcast is simple SEO and marketing because I don't believe that SEO should be complicated, or that marketing should take your entire life to figure it out.

And my course will be there in the organic marketing framework, organic marketing framework, and I'll have links to buy and, and payment plans and all that.

Jaryd Krause (33:08)

Cool. Awesome. Thanks so much, guys. Check that out. There'll be links in the show notes. Everybody is listening. Thank you for listening. And I'll see you on the next one. All right.

Faith Hanan (33:15)

Thank you so much, Jared. I appreciate it. Hi, YouTube.

Jaryd Krause (33:17)

Watch out. If you think that video is good, you should check out this video here on the two best types of websites beginners should buy or check out my playlist on how I made my first 100k from buying websites and how to do due diligence. Check it out is an awesome playlist you'll enjoy it.What are some of your copy tips?

Faith Hanan (35:35)

One of my main things is if you don't watch American westerns, you may not use this term but it's just to get to the rat killing like just get to the rat kill and like quit beating around the bush, like, get to the point like everybody loves, you know, finding recipes online, but I hate reading somebody's life story about what their cat ate that day and their favorite outfit before they give me the recipe. Like give the people what they came for.

Yoast is a great plugin on WordPress. I'm sure you're familiar with it. But Yoast literally gives you the green light if you have 300 words or more like you don't have to write a blog that is 5000 words long to rank you really don't like this. Yeah, for a recipe like just how many cups of flour do I need? Do I have enough to make these cookies at 11pm? Like just tell me if we wanted AI generated content? We would go read AI generated content like use your voice right like yourself. Use things like use free tools like Grammarly to spell check, edit with fresh eyes, you know, get to the point and then don't be afraid to tell people you.

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Jaryd Krause is a serial entrepreneur who helps people buy online businesses so they can spend more time doing what they love with who they love. He’s helped people buy and scale sites all the way up to 8 figures – from eCommerce to content websites. He spends his time surfing and traveling, and his biggest goals are around making a real tangible impact on people’s lives. 

Resource Links:

➥ Buying Online Businesses Website – https://buyingonlinebusinesses.com 

➥ Download the Due Diligence Framework – https://buyingonlinebusinesses.com/freeresources/

➥ Visit Niche Website Builders – Get EXCLUSIVE OFFERS here as a BOB listener

SEM Rush (SEO tool) – https://bit.ly/3lINGaV

Surfer SEO (SEO tool for content writing) – https://bit.ly/3X0jZiD

Sonic Writer (AI Content Generator) – https://bit.ly/3ZjHRPX

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