In this special episode, we’re joined by Alessandro Di Ruscio, an expert in overcoming the challenges of leaving traditional jobs behind.
Alessandro Di Ruscio is the founder of the Escape 9 to 5 Club. The Club is a working and connecting space for entrepreneurs, content creators and side hustlers who want to build a profitable and successful online business. He teaches business owners how to use LIVE events and LIVE bootcamps in order to attract clients.
Alessandro shares why he wanted out of his 9-5 and what he did? Where did his drive come from? What does he do to stay on route and how does he help people do the same? How can you increase your business’s revenue by actually using social media the way 99% of people don’t? How do you connect with your audience and clients to give them exactly what they want and they’ll pay you handsomely for these events?
Get actionable tips in this episode and exit the 9-5 challenges!
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Episode Highlights
03:50 Alessandro’s journey before being an entrepreneur
10:35 How do you stay on track with your goal?
17:00 How do you build a connection with your community?
24:00 Be “social” on social media!
30:30 Repetition and discipline are what you need
36:30 Finding a mentor to guide you on your entrepreneurial journey
Courses & Training
Courses & Training
Key Takeaways
➥ A strong, intrinsic drive is crucial for entrepreneurial success. The desire for financial gain is often not a sufficient motivator. Alessandro’s primary motivation was to regain his freedom and time, allowing him to pursue other passions and spend more time with loved ones.
➥ Entrepreneurs should focus on creating content that addresses their audience’s needs, problems, and interests. This content acts as a hook to attract and engage potential clients. Building a business involves understanding and responding to the audience’s feedback and needs, which helps in creating products and services that truly serve them.
➥ Learn from mentors who have already navigated the challenges you face, saving you time and resources. Long-Term Perspective: Consider the long-term benefits of investing in your business rather than seeking quick, free solutions.
About The Guest
Alessandro Di Ruscio is the founder of the Escape 9 to 5 Club. The Club is a working and connecting space for entrepreneurs, content creators and side hustlers who want to build a profitable and successful online business. He teaches business owners how to use LIVE events and LIVE bootcamps in order to attract clients.
Connect with Alessandro Di Ruscio
Why do you think most people fail when trying to earn an income online?
Hi, I’m Jaryd Krause. I'm the host of the Buying Online Businesses Podcast. And today, I'm speaking with Alessandro Di Ruscio, who is the founder of the Escape 9to5 Club.
The club is a working and connecting space for entrepreneurs, content creators, and side hustlers who want to build a profitable, successful online business, where Alessandro teaches business owners how to use live events and live bootcamps in order to attract their clients.
And in this pod, we talk about why he wanted out of his nine-to-five job, what he did as a role and where his drive actually came from.
I like to dig deeper into this with him and try to work out what made him so driven to get out of his nine-to-five and how he used that to his advantage and how you guys can use that to your advantage as well.
He also discusses what he does to stay on routes and how he helps people do the same.
We talk about what the most successful online business owners have in common, the traits that they use that are free and everybody can build them, and you don't need to pay money for them, but you need to earn those skills.
We'll talk about how to increase your business revenue while actually using social media the way 99% of people don't. We talk about how social media is supposed to be used and how you can really use it, not just to your advantage but in service of your clients.
We talk about how to connect with your audience and give them exactly what they want, and they'll pay you handsomely for that.
And we also talk about live events and how they can help you, your audience, and people in your business get the results they want.
And how to use that through the ascension model to weed out the people that just want free information and help people that actually want to take the shortcut track to success with your help.
Now, there's so much value in this podcast episode; I'm sure you're going to love it. Let's dive straight in.
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Alessandro, welcome to the pod.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Thank you very much, Jaryd. Thank you very much for having me.
Jaryd Krause:
Yeah, I mean, exiting the nine-to-five, I have been helping people do this for many, many years, as have you. And it's what I still say today—it's probably one of the hardest things I've had to do.
As I progressed into investing in larger assets and making more money than I thought I might have been able to, I still look back and realize that the hardest thing was getting out of that job as a plumber. What job did you have before you got into this game?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
I used to be a web designer. To use the right term, I used to be a UX designer, which is the person who works with user experience. Interface and usability of platforms, websites, and software. I used to do that most of the time—eight hours per day. And I didn't like it.
And it was really difficult. As you said, it was really, really difficult because, first of all, I didn't see another way for me. I didn't have an option. I didn't know anything about becoming an entrepreneur or creating an online business. I didn't know anything about that.
And I just learned about the fact that you could create a business online really late in my life. And I got super passionate about marketing late in my life.
So I spent 15 years as a web designer and then I started working on my side hustle. And it's not really easy. It wasn't easy at the beginning. It's not easy, even when you start getting clients. There are so many things that you have to do at the beginning on your own.
So I think that there is never enough guidance online for stuff like this. Because they don't teach you that at school.
Jaryd Krause:
Yeah. And you're just navigating so many different personal things in your life. And it’s not just your personal situation; it's also what's going on between the ears.
And it's different for everyone based on your conditioning, what you have been, societal conditioning, and what you have been brought up to believe or what you have believed in yourself through different pieces of content that may or may not serve you.
So I want to dig into that a little bit. But first, the drive. I've been chatting with a bunch of my friends recently. Where does the drive come from within you? And how did you get this drive?
Because I think it's one of the key ingredients. Like I say to people, I help people buy businesses, and it's a vehicle. It's just one vehicle to get to your destination, and that destination typically has the goal of replacing your income and/or doing something else.
And this vehicle may serve you for a certain period through that, but it's just a vehicle, and you can make it with any of the vehicles. But what fuels that vehicle typically, a big part of it is the drive.
And I don't know how many people really talk about it. I talk a lot about mindset, but where did the drive come from for you? And do you help people manufacture this drive when you're working with them?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Absolutely. That's a great question. It's a great question because I keep seeing people start businesses for the wrong reasons. One of the most wrong reasons I usually come across is “I want to make more money” or “I want to make easy money.”
It's not a drive strong enough for the simple reason that—I mean, we said it at the beginning of this episode, right? We said that it's not easy. It's not easy. It takes time, it takes patience, and it takes effort.
So you can't pretend you're going to make easy money and quick money since you never know when you're going to become profitable and successful with whatever you do.
So that's not a trigger strong enough to make you start. Because if you wait for money and you want to make money straight away and you see that you can't make the money that you had in your mind in the first months of your business, then you're going to give up because you didn't fulfill your dream.
You need another reason. And in my case, my reason was that I wanted to get my freedom back. I wanted to get my time back.
As I said, I used to spend eight hours a day doing something that I didn't want to do. I didn't enjoy my job. I was constantly staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for 5:00 PM to leave my office, go back home, relax, and finally.
And I didn't have time to do anything. I didn't have time to spend with my family, with my friends, or traveling. That is one of my passions. I couldn't do this kind of thing.
So my drive was, you know what? First of all, I want to get my time back. I don't want to spend eight hours per day doing something I don't want to do or being in a place I don't want to be.
I want instead to spend my time in the right way, doing something I enjoy, and having time to do other things that I enjoy doing in life.
My life is not just my job. I like other things. I like to spend time with my loved ones. I like to spend time traveling. I like to do other things. And if I don't have time to do these other things, my life becomes miserable.
And this is a trigger, I think, that makes you go through the pain period that you will have when you start a side hustle or when you start your new online business.
Because at least you have a drive that will stay there with you even when you're not motivated, even when you're tired, or even when you're lazy.
Because you know that there is something that is leading you in one direction. And for that goal, you want to achieve it. You want to reach it, no matter what.
No matter if it's going to take six months, one year, or two years, you want to reach it. It's your North Star. I want to get my life back. I want to get my time back. I want to work. I want to have a job that I enjoy.
And it doesn't matter how long it's going to take. It doesn't matter how tough it's going to be. I'm going to work for it. That's when you don't give up.
Jaryd Krause:
I like that. I like that explanation so much, Alessandro.
You're right. Where people really set a bar for themselves that they have to achieve something by a certain date, that's when they set a level of expectation on themselves they don't know they can achieve.
Because they've never done this. They've never tried this before.
It's like saying, “I'm going to build the Great Wall of China and I'm going to do it in five months.” How do you know you can do that? You've never done this before. It's something brand new. How do you know you could do it in a year—two, five or 10? Maybe you couldn't. So why be so hard on yourself?
I want to dig a bit deeper. Because how did you get to the point where you realized it's this or nothing, right?
What I'm trying to ask is, when times get tough and you're wondering, is this going to work? Is this not going to work? Where do you go? Where does your head go? And what are the things that you think about to stay on the path? Because a lot of people deal with this, right? A lot of people deal with it.
Personally, I'll give you an example. I'm similar to you. When I was going through it, I was just like, “There's no other option. There's no way I'm going to not do this for however long it takes.
If it takes me 20 years, whatever it takes me—five years, three years, 10 years, 20 years—it's done. It's a done deal. I've committed my life to this goal.”
But for me, my burning desire, what I would do is, in my head, have these principles and practices that I would look at in the lives of the people that I was around, in terms of where I was on the job site.
And I'd use that as motivation to keep pushing, knowing I’m not going to give up even if it takes me 20 years.
What are some of the things, principles, and practices that you did and helped others with? Yeah, I just want to open that up. Because people talk about it, but I think it gets glossed over so much.
Where do this strength and this energy come from? Does it come from when you're a child, when you had a lot of siblings and you had to fight to get attention, have to fight to get love from your parents, food and all that stuff? Where does it come from? And can we develop that?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Yeah. Okay. It's a really interesting conversation, and I want to start with two things that, for me, are really important.
In case the people that are listening or watching this are struggling with what they're doing right now and don't see any results, they are miserable, and they get really upset with the fact that everyone is succeeding except them.
I think online entrepreneurs, or digital nomads, as I like to call these people, need to reinvent this role because what we think about digital nomads or what we think about online entrepreneurs is someone who is on the computer in a coffee shop. They're working on their business on their own. They look really, really lonely.
And sometimes it's like this. When you start your business, it feels really lonely. You're on your own. You don't know anyone else who does what you do. Everyone is telling you you're making a mistake, or maybe everyone is making fun of you because maybe you put yourself out there.
When I started, I opened my YouTube channel, and I was really ashamed to put my videos out there and to show everyone that I was doing something different from 99% of the people I surrounded myself with.
And that's the problem. I think that we make it even more difficult because we are against the world. We are the only people doing this. Everyone else is doing something different. And we need to make it happen.
And if we don't make it happen, well, we are a failure. We have to reinvent, or we have to change our perspective on this.
First of all, one thing that you have to do when you want to start your business is to look for other people who are trying to do the same. Surround yourself with these people. Find a community of these people. You need all the help possible.
I'm sorry to say this and I know that it is counterproductive for people who want to start a business, but you're not going to make it on your own. You're not going to make it on your own. I know it is harsh, but it is what it is.
No, there are exceptions. One out of a million, I don't know. There are exceptions out there, but do you really want to try your luck and hope you are the exception? I hope you are the one who's going to make it by yourself?
I don't know. It's like buying a lottery ticket in this way. I want to be lucky. I want to be the one who's going to win by doing everything by myself.
Don't do that. Don't try your luck. Do something that's wiser. And what's wiser is to surround yourself with people who are trying to do exactly what you're doing.
So you can exchange ideas. You can motivate each other. You can support each other. You can ask each other questions. This is what you need. You need a community first.
The second thing, and maybe we can talk about where to find this community, is because this is the second question that I always receive when I say, “Surround yourself with the right people.” And they will tell me, “I don't know where to find these people.”
The other thing is, again, let's reinvent the way to be entrepreneurs. You need to be in direct touch. At least, this is what I think. And this is why I created my bootcamp method.
You need to be in touch with your potential clients and potential customers. Stop thinking about automating everything. I'm not a big advocate of automated webinars, VSL funnels, cold outreach, all these things. I'm not a fan, okay?
I'm not a fan because I think that we have to go back to the basics. We need to get in touch—really in touch—with people who may become clients and customers.
And this is why I always try to go live once per week with my community. Before, I talked about community. Now I'll talk about getting in touch with your community. Create a connection with them.
I love live events. That's all about my method—live events. In live events, you can talk with your audience. You can have an exchange or back-and-forth communication with them.
I mean, you're not alone anymore. If you find your community, you have other people doing the same thing you're doing, and you're working as a team.
And if you are in touch with your audience, you're not alone anymore. There are people who are listening to you. Now we have proof that there is someone who likes to listen to what you have to say and who likes to interact with your content. So it's a completely different way of interacting with your audience.
Jaryd Krause:
When you do start out, what you're saying is that you feel alone and that people are judging you.
And that's because you are in a community that is not supportive of you because they don't understand what you're doing. Your friends and family might be judging you. That's totally normal. You're saying to go away and find that community.
That's what I built. If people want to buy business, they join our community, the Buying Online Business community, and they're instantly in a group of people that have done this and are achieving that result.
And for you as a business owner, what you're saying is that not only are you less lonely by interacting with your audience, but by interacting with your audience, you're speaking to them and working out what their wants, needs, fears, frustrations, and desires are.
And then you're actually creating better copy, and not just to make better copy and make a better website and get more conversions, but you just know what to give them.
So they actually help you create the product and service that they want and that they need, versus you believing, “Oh, no, I want to sell it this way. Or I want this product and I want it to be like this.”.
I actually didn't build my business. A lot of people are like, “Oh, look at me. I'm successful. I built this business.” No, no.
People who build businesses are the ones who actually tell you what they want and help you by providing you with the data and information that you need to create the product and service that they want. They're the ones that build it for you.
So talking about building a business, you have a course on social media on how to gain traction on social media, and it's only gotten harder and harder and harder to get organic traffic and views on your content through social media over the years.
Facebook pages used to be huge. Instagram used to be a lot easier. And then it went to Facebook groups. Now we've got LinkedIn groups and we've got YouTube. And then you've got so many different platforms now.
And as these grow, it only gets harder and harder. Why? Because more and more awesome creators are getting on there and creating better content. There are so many other people. So you just need to keep up with it.
So how do we get more clients on social media without having to spend our money on paid ads? I know it's a big question.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
I can talk about this for hours. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can go on for hours and hours and hours and talk about this.
Jaryd Krause:
What are maybe the top two or three things that we need to talk about?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to talk about this for hours.
Jaryd Krause:
Condense it.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
I'm going to condense everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, three things and a couple of things.
Okay. So let's start with this. Social media is supposed to be social. That means that we should stop looking at social media as a stage where we put our content and then we hope it's going to go viral or that it's going to get a lot of interactions or engagement.
That's the wrong approach to social media. And it's the wrong approach because of what you just said. It's way more difficult than it was in the past. There is way more competition. The algorithm is unpredictable.
We tend to blame the algorithm because we're not getting interaction. We're not getting visibility. While it looks like everyone else is getting visibility and we are the only ones that get nothing, we tumble when we publish something.
Well, so let's start using social media for the reason why it's being created. Social media are social. So let's go back to the community topic. You need to find your community and what better place than social media to find your community?
We have the chance nowadays to get in touch with everyone around the world, sitting on our couch, without leaving our house. This is a possibility that we take for granted and don't use, or that we use in the wrong way.
Imagine salespeople 50 years ago. If they had the chance to connect with everyone around the world without leaving their house, think about what they might think of this possibility.
They used to leave their house, knock at the door of everyone, and talk with people in person. Now you can do it from home without leaving it.
So since we have this opportunity, how can we use it in the best way possible? Well, first of all, you have to understand exactly who the people you want to talk with are, and you have to understand where they are.
This is something that most people already know. You have to find groups; you have to go into these groups; you have to find these people.
Okay. That's great. That's absolutely great. You can invite new people. You can send friend requests. The most important thing is that you have something that they want to get, okay?
Now it's a long conversation, but let's say this, I want you to find one social media. Stop thinking about being everywhere, okay? Find one social media site because using social media in the right way is a full-time job, okay?
Find one that you really like. I don't care what it is. I'm really active on Facebook, but you may use TikTok, Instagram or LinkedIn, whatever you want, okay? Find one.
And then I want you to invest time in this social media because this is how we work. The more time you invest in social media, the more results you get.
Investing in time means that you put out content that people want to consume. So you have to ask yourself, my audience, what they want? What kind of content do they want? What kind of problems do they have? What kind of struggles are they going through?
Well, I have to create content that attracts them. Your content is a hook. And obviously, the more content you create, the more hooks you put out there to attract your ideal audience, right? So this is the hook. You create content as a hook, and then you leave your hook, attracting new people.
But the most important thing, and it's what 99% of people don't do on social media, is to be social.
So every notification that you receive on social media, whether it’s a like or a comment or a new friend or a share, is an opportunity to start a conversation with someone. Start a conversation.
Private messages on social media are undervalued. It’s one of the most undervalued tools ever. You can start a private conversation with everyone.
If you've got a like, even just one, on your content, talk with that person. That person may never become a client or a customer. Maybe it’s a friend.
Well, if it’s a friend, imagine that your mom likes your content. Well, that's an opportunity to start a conversation and ask your mom, “Do you know someone who could be interested in this thing?” I don’t know. “Can you send other people who’ll be interested in this content to your site?”
If that person is a potential client, you can offer something for free to that person. If that person is not a potential client, ask that person to help you share the content and spread the word.
You need to be social. And you will be astonished at how many times, when you ask something, people will do what you ask. If you ask people to share your content, sometimes they do it.
You don't have to offer anything. You don't have to give commissions or percentages on sales. Just ask, “Can you share it on your newsfeed? Because I'm trying to grow my business and maybe one of your friends is interested in this.” Or if you're talking with a potential client, give something for free.
And as I said, I'm really strong at live events. I go live every week. And when there is someone I can start a conversation with, what do you think I'm going to ask?
“Do you want to join my next live event that I will have next Thursday? I will talk about blah, blah, blah. Join me. Just sign up. You're going to be live with me on Zoom. And we can talk together. I'm going to share with you some value, and we can have a conversation about that.”
Jaryd Krause:
Your live events. So you have a live event every week, is that right? And why are these live events so successful?
So you get your clients, you get people to attend these live events from the social media that you're doing, and then what happens at the live event? Why are the live events so successful for you?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Well, the live event speaks to my ideal audience. I talk about getting clients online using live events. And who's interested in this topic? They joined my live events just to listen to me talk about my techniques.
I use my live events as a journal of my business. So I share everything I'm doing—results and what I'm doing at the moment.
But the live event is just a way to talk with my community. It's not a way to find clients if it makes sense. I use those live events to create a community around my brand, around the Escape 9to5 Club.
And then there is the second part. The second part of this strategy is to host bootcamps. Bootcamps are big, multiple day events.
And these bootcamps are something different. They are more into the technique. They're more into the steps of the technique. They're more into the actual way to integrate this technique into your business.
And these bootcamps are paid ones. They are paid bootcamps because I spent three days with people who decided to get the tickets.
Now why do I do that? Why do I start with a free live event and then direct people to my paid bootcamps? The reason why I do this is because you have to understand who an action taker is and who's a freebie seeker.
Freebie seekers are people who will never spend money with you. They will never invest with you because they just want new, free stuff.
They want to jump on the new free method, a new free video, or a new free webinar. So they're still in that mindset. They want to do everything for free and they don't want to invest in anything.
The action takers are freebie seekers who decided to invest their money in the right way. So if they find something that is worth investing in, they will invest their money.
The bootcamp lets me understand who is committed enough to work with me, who is committed enough to invest, to be with me three hours per day, into my technique. So I use the live events to attract everyone, and then I use the bootcamp to filter these people and understand who my action takers are.
Jaryd Krause:
And so with those bootcamps, you sell the bootcamp tickets from the live events that you do once a week. How often do you do a bootcamp? How much do you charge for those bootcamps? And then, do you have another product after that as well?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Great, yes, absolutely. Well, I host a bootcamp every couple of months. It depends. Usually, it depends if I have other events in the meantime. But every other month, usually.
And the bootcamp is about my strategy. So during the bootcamp, I teach how to do exactly what I do. The most difficult part of my technique is consistency and accountability.
Because everyone can understand what I'm saying, run live events, run a bootcamp every couple of months, and just send traffic from one to the other.
Jaryd Krause:
Send to the other business, right? It's like somebody could do my business, just do a podcast, run a YouTube channel, and have a course membership.
Yeah, great. Simple. Is it really? No, no, no. Naval Ravikant says the people that show and take the most responsibility, are most accountable and show up are the ones that make the most money. So it's really showing up.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Exactly, exactly. It's about showing up and it's about consistency. And consistency is one of the most difficult things.
Jaryd Krause:
Discipline. People aren't disciplined these days. People are lazy. They want everything for nothing. And yeah, the people who are disciplined crush it.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Absolutely. It’s repetition and discipline. That's all you need. One of my favorite books ever is The Slight Edge. And the entire meaning of that book is, Look, you have to do something every day for the rest of your life. You have to take small actions every day to achieve something bigger.
It's not about doing something right now, at the right moment, just once. It's not about that. It's about being consistent, doing something every day, and taking small actions every day consistently until you reach the bigger goal. And this is what it is.
Everyone is able to go live on Zoom. Everyone is able to do a three-day event. But how many people stick with this?
How many people say, “Okay, I'm going to do it. No matter what, every week I will be live. Every day I will promote my weekly live. Every two months I will run a bootcamp.” This is difficult. it's difficult to stick with it.
And going back to your question about the ticket to the bootcamp, well, obviously there is a marketing strategy for this. Obviously, the first people to get a ticket spend less. And then the ticket gets more expensive.
There is a marketing strategy for this to make people join it. I use scarcity. I use urgency. And it's a way to make people get their tickets.
Yes, yes. For my bootcamps, I charge $150 to spend three days with me, three hours per day. And then there are discounts. There are coupon codes that I offer to specific people who decide to take action earlier. There are VIP tickets. There are a lot of things that we don't have time to cover right now.
But the thing about the bootcamp is this: in the bootcamp, you get everything. So my method is about consistency. Obviously, it's about using the right scripts.
You need email automation to get people to sign up. You need a landing page; you need a thank you page. You need a lot of things and I give everything during the bootcamp.
Absolutely. And after the bootcamp, if they're okay with these three days and everything to work on their own, they're set. If they want more help, I just sell more of what I already have.
So I know that they got a ticket to spend three days with me, but if three days are not enough and they feel more reassured to go through this technique with me on their side, helping them along the way because it's a long process, in that case, instead of spending just three days, they can spend the next six months with me.
So in that case, they can join my mastermind. So I just sold more of what I already sold. I'm not selling another product; I'm selling the same thing but for longer.
Jaryd Krause:
More handholding. That's what we need. And I tell my clients this as well; it's not just about the IP.
At the start, when you do coaching with somebody or mastermind or whatever it is—I do both—or advising, you're sharing some IP that you've accumulated over your decade or more doing whatever you've been doing.
I've been in the personal development realm for two decades now and have been buying businesses for many, many years. And the IP, I typically share about 20% of the time that we spend together through coaching, advising or in a mastermind; it's IP.
And that's everything they need anyway, right? That's all the IP that they need anyway, and it's in a more condensed version tailored to that person.
And then after that, it's pretty much just hand holding. It's pretty much just having somebody to lean on and go to when, like, “Oh, this happened; what do I do now?” Somebody that's had that experience before.
And I believe any consultant really is just a therapist. And the best business coaches and the best coaches or healers are just therapists. Because I've been through those things so many times.
So I think it's not important for people to know that, but it's worth knowing it because then they can be like, “Well, what am I paying for if I'm only getting 20% of the IP? Can't I just get that in a short, condensed version?”
Yeah, you can. But in five months' time or four months' time, when this big, crazy, scary thing happens and you decide to run away because you haven't got the support, everything else you paid for and everything you've done before has amounted to nothing.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Absolutely. Totally agree. Absolutely agree. That's the thing. And if I can add something to this, first of all, I love what you said—every consultant is a therapist.
I think that the reason why people give up on whatever they do, why they fail or stop doing what they're doing, is because, well, for sure, they don't have accountability.
Jaryd Krause:
Accountability is huge.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Accountability—yeah, it’s huge.
Jaryd Krause:
Accountability from somebody who's done it before.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
There's a reason why—
Jaryd Krause:
Human beings aren't going to want to look or be judged upon for not doing the work. When they're paying the money and they've got somebody that's done it before, it's like, “I've told you exactly what to do; just go and do it.” They're not going to want to be judged, so they're going to do the work.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Exactly. Accountability is huge. But what you said, I think, is the key point. The key point is that you work with someone who has already gone through that journey. That's incredibly important.
Do you know how long it took me to come up with these methods to make it work? Do you know how many mistakes I made? Do you know how many days I was desperate because nothing was working? And the money was spent absolutely. Time, money, and emotional energy.
Do you want to go through the same journey? I’ve already done it for you, right? Do you want to go through the same—do you want to spend the same money I spent? Do you want to spend the same time as I did?
Do you want to spend five years trying to make it work? Why do you want to do that if there is another way, a shorter way, to learn from someone who really made all those mistakes?
So that person can tell you, “Look, don't do this because it doesn't work. Just do exactly what I'm doing right now because it's what's working for my business. Just do this and then this and then this.” Accountability is key, but a roadmap of things that actually work is priceless.
I know that talking when you have something that is working makes it easy to talk. I know it. But for most people, they don't see this part of the equation.
They don't see the fact that, look, if you keep doing what you're doing or if you keep trying to find the solution on your own, it will take you a long time.
Yes, you're not spending money right now. You are not wasting this money if you think that it's a waste of money. You're not wasting this money, but it's going to take you a long time.
Instead, try to look at the long game. Where do you want to be in a year from now? Where do you see yourself in a year from now? Just think about investment. We all know that we need to use our money to make more money.
Jaryd Krause:
So, yeah, you're right, they might not be spending money, but they are spending time, which is a far more valuable resource. Why wouldn't you just spend the money and do it in a shorter time frame?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Not to mention that maybe they will give up on the journey. They're not going to spend money, they're spending time, but when they see that nothing works, maybe they give up. Maybe they say, “You know what? I'm done with this kind of life, so I will go back to my nine-to-five.”
Jaryd Krause:
That's the worst-case scenario. That's why we have jobs. We don't want people to be doing that, right?
Alessandro, thanks so much for coming on. It's been great to chat. Somebody else guides and facilitates somebody from a life that they don't really enjoy to one that they deserve and love.
It's good to share tales, and it's great to see how you approach them and share them with our audience. So thanks so much. Where can we send people to check out more about what you're up to?
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Sure. Well, I already said that I go live every week, so in case anyone wants to join my weekly live,. But actually, I created a video. It’s a short video. It’s like 30 or 40 minutes, something like this, that explains specifically every step of my strategy.
Everything that I said so far will be put into practice because I will show you exactly how it works. I will draw the entire strategy on my whiteboard.
So I've done this video because it's not easy to find this kind of strategy online. You always find automated webinars and VSLs and cold outreach and all these kinds of things, and it's difficult nowadays to find a strategy that is completely live. It's all about live events. Live boot comes.
So I took some time to draw the entire roadmap on my whiteboard, and I explained every step. So I created this video, and I think that the link is going to be in the show notes, right?
So you have the link there if you want to watch this video. I strongly suggest you do it, so you will have more clarity on the strategy. After you sign up to watch this video, you will have a link to sign up for the next live event that I will do in my club. So you will have everything there.
Jaryd Krause:
Alessandro, thanks so much for coming on.
Anyone who has listened to this and knows a business owner who could really benefit from getting more in touch with their community and going live and actually hand holding people.
Instead of automating people through the process so they don't have to do the work and just want to make money and do nothing, people that actually care about the audience share this podcast episode with them. You'd be doing them a huge favor.
So thanks so much, Alessandro, and we'll speak to you guys soon.
Alessandro Di Ruscio:
Thank you, Jaryd.
Jaryd Krause:
Hey, YouTube watcher, if you thought that video was good, you should check out this video here on 2 Best Types of Websites Beginners Should Buy. Or check out my playlist on How I Made My First $100k Buying Websites and how to do due diligence. Check it out. It's an awesome playlist. You'll enjoy it. where I lived in Australia. I built that where every second Friday, we'd have lunch with just friends, and we just talked business.
And then I ended up just slowly migrating and moving towards hanging a lot more and spending more time with those sorts of people. So it can be done in that certain location where you maybe grew up or whatever.
But I feel the moving part is that it actually makes these energetic shifts within you. Because you just see the world differently based on where you're at and being around that sort of community. It changes.
When you go to Monaco, you're not thinking about certain things that you may have thought about where you previously lived in business.
You're thinking about how this person even got that deal? Or how did this person do this? You don't think in terms of income expenses the same way you did in that certain location than you might have where you previously lived, right?
Justin Cooke:
These guys aren't thinking about making money. They're thinking about asset protection. They're like, “How do I diversify across different countries so that one country can't take my money?” They're on different levels, insanely different. So the levels to that, it's wild to see, right?
Jaryd Krause:
It is. It is. Justin, it's been so fun to chat. I didn't feel like an interviewer or anything. I felt like just hanging out with a friend. So I really appreciate it.
Justin Cooke:
That's what we're doing, man. Just hanging out. I want to see you in Bali, man. Are you going to be there for a while?
Jaryd Krause:
Yeah, yeah.
Justin Cooke:
If we come down, I don't know if we're going to be there, but if we do get there this year, I'd love to go.
Jaryd Krause:
Yeah. I'll be here all this year and next year. I haven't got a timeframe for how long I'm going to stay or move, but I'll be here for the next few years, I'd say, for sure.
Justin Cooke:
Cool, man. Awesome. Good hanging out, man.
Jaryd Krause:
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks, Justin. I will speak to you soon.
Hey, YouTube watchers, if you thought that video was good, you should check out this video here on the 2 Best Types of Websites Beginners Should Buy. Or check out my playlist on How I Made My First $100k Buying Websites and how to do due diligence. Check it out. It's an awesome playlist. You'll enjoy it.
Want to have more financial and time freedom?
Jaryd Krause is a serial entrepreneur who helps people buy online businesses so they can spend more time doing what they love with who they love. He’s helped people buy and scale sites all the way up to 8 figures – from eCommerce to content websites. He spends his time surfing and traveling, and his biggest goals are around making a real tangible impact on people’s lives.
Resource Links:
➥ Buying Online Businesses Website –
➥ Sell your business to us here –
➥ Download the Due Diligence Framework –
➥ Link Whisperer (SEO tool for internal linking on websites) –
➥ Cloud Ways (Website Hosting) –
➥ Active Campaign (Email Software Provider) –
🔥Buy & Sell Online Businesses Here (Top Website Brokers We Use) 🔥
➥ Empire Flippers –
➥ Flippa –
➥ Motion Invest –
➥ Investors Club –
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