Why Higher Search Relevancy Equals Higher Revenue For Publishers

If you are a publisher of content and you want to make more money from your website, the goal should not be to focus solely on better ads, affiliate links and offers.

Instead you should be focused on the whole ecosystem of who you are actually bringing to your website first and foremost

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So often I see website owners struggle to optimize their websites to “get everything you can out of what you’ve already got”, which can be a great strategy though do you want to know what is easier?

Brining in the right traffic and users to your website and then what you do with them once they are on your site isn’t nearly as important as getting them there.

Why? Because if you have a content website all about classic cars, and you are having motorbike riders visit your site. It’s going to be a lot harder to sell a motorbike rider some car matts than it would be to sell a classic mustang owner car matts.

Do you get my point?

It’s not about just getting traffic to your website, but relevant traffic. And that is what I am going to show you how to do in this article.

Search Relevancy Explained

When someone is looking for an answer to something on Google they are typing in a certain set of keywords that they are hoping is going to point them to the best valued article on the web about that certain topic. So what the search engine algorithm does is tries to find the article with the closest match to what the user typed into the search bar.

Once the search engine provides a list of articles as an answer to the query the user typed in. If that user does not click on any of the top articles the search engine provides, then the search engine see’s that content as non-relevant. And essentially this is just one way of how search engines measure the value of keywords.

On the other hand if the user clicks on one of the articles, then the search engine starts to see that content as relevant. But that is not the only metric they use to determine relevancy.

Because once the user is on that website the search engine will track multiple things. Like how long does the user spend on the site, are they engaging with the site by clicking on links, visiting other pages, clicking on an opt-in or even an advertisement?

Basically the longer someone stays on your site and the more they engage with it the higher the search engines rank your relevancy to that niche/topic. This is your goal as a publisher if you want to increase your revenue, which I will cover shortly.

How To Increase Your Search Relevancy

First and foremost your piece of content should precisely and easily answer the questions that the search engine users are asking. The better you do this the higher your relevancy.

Though it’s not always that simple, because there are thousands of ways you can answer these questions and often there will be better ways to do this with some niches compared to others.

For example your niche may like video or even audio on your article to help explain the answer they are looking for. Maybe they are after comparison tables, some niches people love to read big long 5,000 word posts about a subject that goes super in depth. Then others would prefer a 45 second video with maybe some text underneath.

Each niche will differ slightly from the next, though the point is. If you are a publisher you should truly know your niche, you should know all the FAQ’s they have and find the most relevant keywords for those questions and create content around them.

With the content you create your goal is to answer those questions above and beyond what anyone else in your niche is doing, once you have done that then you have won at the game of relevancy.

Quality Traffic/Users Equals More Money

Now that you have put in the groundwork, the rest becomes far easier.

I will give you an example.

If I own a website teaching people how to renovate their bathroom and they type into Google ‘how to tile your basins splash back’ and I created a piece of content that includes everything you need to do this seamlessly my relevancy will be high and my article will start to get ranked higher.

To do this within my article I am talking about breaking down each and every step for which tiles are best to use and why, then I give them links to buy them. Then I tell them what grout is best and why, with more links. I also explain which are the easiest tools to use, and then break down the perfect method to do the whole job. Then I shoot a video of me doing the whole job step by step.

I then have comparison tables for different tools and different tiles. I also tell them to email me if they have questions and give me their email.

Do you think that the user is going to see this as an incredible resource?

Do you feel they will be on this page for a while, and then once they are done with that they will check out another article of mine on how to install a bath, or shower or anything to do with a bathroom renovation?

Of course they are. But what’s really the best thing about this is, that I have set the foundations. I have built a lot of trust with these users and if they see an ad on my site for discounted bathroom tiles the chances of them clicking on that ad is quite high.

This means 2 important things.

1. My site becomes more valuable to advertisers (I have created a better asset)
2. I can make more money from those ads (boosting my CPMV higher and possibly triple the ad revenue)

Whilst all this is simple in theory, if you already own a content website where should you start?

Instead of re-creating the wheel again, work with what you already have and optimize. Which is why publishers love Ezoic’s Data Analytics because you can quickly discover which of your pages are bringing in the most revenue.

Then you can start working on your best 2-3 pages and optimizing those pages for a higher relevancy, which should show you an increase in revenue. And the goal here is to make those top 2-3 pages of yours the best on the web for that certain topic within your niche.

When you have done that you can then start to work on more pages and slowly over time build your website into a solid asset and ad revenue producing machine. 

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